This project was on developing a sensorgrid for a tomato greenhouse. The grid consists of many (cheap) sensornodes that sends their data wireless, but also measure at different altitude levels in the greenhouse. The sensornode are measurement point in 3D space, and measure temperature (T), humidity (RH), carbon dioxide (CO2), light intensity (Lux) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) with intervals of ~10 minutes. In addition to the grid it was planned to drive with a mobile sensornode, that is mounted on top of a mobile robot. This mobile sensornode is developed by Fontys Engineering was meant to manouvre inside the greenhouse with the expensive sensors to measure the micro climate (temperature, relative humidity, CO2 and PAR, and might measure lux and VOC).
The sensorgrid was implemented by two types of sensorstrings. One according a cluster topology LoraWAN with Arduino MKR WAN 1300 transmission device. The second as a Star topology using the Texas Instruments CC1310 as RF device. Each sensorstring contains a transmitting device for wireless transmission to a data collector and three sensor nodes each one at one of the three levels. The connections between the three levels is wired, because of maintaining and powering the nodes. Transmission with CC1310 and MKR WAN1300 is done at 868 MHz which works best in a greenhouse.